How to Choose the Right Vacation Destination

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Planning a vacation destination does not have to be an exhausting event, so don’t make it one.

The choices are many; do you lay on the beach, take a cruise, stay in the country, go out of the country, or just stay home.
I have been working in the travel industry for over 20 years and the decision is even hard for us. Airline employees have agencies that cater only to us, but we have the same choices as regular customers, but the same methods the public uses, we use also.
So many choices and so little time, do you stay in the city, state, a certain region, or stay in the country? Do you want to see one city or multiple cities? Do you want to take a cruise? What region would you like to cruise? What size of ship or how intimate would you like your cruise staff to passenger ratio? Do you want to stay with family in another city or book a hotel? Are you traveling by yourself or with family / friends? Are you traveling with children? Do you have a passport to travel internationally?


There are multiple ways for discovering where you want to take a vacation, the most notable are:
a. What method of transportation do you prefer to use or what is available to get to your destination?
b. How many days off do you have?
c. The destination is recommended by family or trusted friends
d. How far is the destination? Will you be losing any days traveling to or from?
e. How much are you willing to pay? Do you want an economy or luxury accommodations? Are you interested in all-inclusive resorts?
f. Are you traveling during high or low season?
g. Are there any health requirements?
h. Are a passport, visa, or both required for travel?
A vacation is meant to relieve stress and frustration by getting some much needed rest and relaxation. There are many vacation destination choices, but you can narrow them down according to your personality. If you are adventurous and want lots of action and fun, go to a destination that provides that kind of activity. Likewise if you are quiet and preferred to be catered too, go to destinations that provide those activities.

If you find any of my advice handy or you are interested in learning more, enter your information to the right. I will update this blog regularly with my travels and important travel news.
